CGS is a Montessori-based program of religious education for children. Assumption currently offers Level 1 CGS, for children ages 3-6 years old and in Fall of 2021, will open the Level 2 CGS space for children 6-9 years old. In the Atrium (the environment where CGS is offered) children are introduced to “prayer works” to contemplate the life of Jesus, parables, the liturgy, and more. Each week children may receive a presentation about the Holy Mass, the Infancy Narratives, or artwork, and the session always includes prayer time. From the pictures you can see that the children use a variety of handmade materials in the Atrium.
During the 2020-2021 school year, the Atrium will only be open for children in Assumption Parish School or Assumption Early Learning Center (AELC). Due to current restrictions and school use, we are unable to offer sessions for parish children who do not attend these programs.
We hope to be able to offer CGS to our parish children next school year!
Many of these items are available at local stores and may be purchased apart from Amazon. Gently used items similar to what is listed would also be helpful!
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Click here to view the full Amazon wish list for growing into a Level 2 Atrium